Embroidered branded apparel is a great way to add a company logo or message to apparel and other items, helping to promote brand recognition and awareness. Embroidery is a versatile and durable option for adding designs to apparel and other items. It provides a high-quality look and feel and can be customized to create unique and professional designs.

What is the minimum order?

6 Pieces

How many colors can be sewn?

15 Colors

What artwork can be printed?

Artwork must first be digitized = one time $35 fee.

How is the price determined?

The size of the artwork and the quantity of products being sewn.


There are many reasons why someone might prefer custom embroidery. Here are a few common reasons:

Personalized gifts: A great way to create unique and personalized gifts for friends and family members. It can be used to add names, initials, or special messages to clothing, bags, and other items.

Sports teams: Often used by sports teams to create personalized uniforms and gear. It can be used to add team names, player numbers, and logos to jerseys, hats, and bags.

Special events: Can be used to create special items for events like weddings, reunions, and fundraisers. It can be used to add dates, names, or logos to clothing, bags, and other items.

Personal style: Can be used to add a unique and personal touch to clothing and accessories. It can be used to create custom designs or to add initials, names, or other personalized details to items.


• High-Quality Look and Feel: Embroidery creates a premium, high-end look that adds value to any garment or item. The texture and depth of the embroidered design make it stand out from other types of printing.

• Durability: Embroidery is a highly durable option for adding designs to apparel and other items. The thread used in embroidery is strong and can withstand repeated washing and use.

• Professional Appearance: Embroidery gives a professional appearance to apparel and other items. It's often used for work uniforms, team jerseys, and corporate gifts.

• Customization: Embroidery is highly customizable, and you can choose from a wide variety of thread colors and textures to create unique designs. The embroidery can be applied to different parts of a garment or item, such     as the front, back, or sleeves.

• Versatility: Embroidery can be applied to a wide range of fabrics, including cotton, denim, and polyester. It can also be used on a variety of items, such as hats, bags, and towels.

• Longevity: Embroidered designs tend to last a long time, which means your apparel or items will look great for years to come.



What types of custom apparel can be embroidered?

Embroidery can be done on a wide variety of custom apparel, including hats, shirts, jackets, bags, and more.


What types of designs can be embroidered?

Embroidery can be used to create a wide variety of designs, from simple text to complex graphics. Check out our Online Design Studio to start creating!


What is the process for getting custom apparel embroidered?

The process for getting custom apparel embroidered typically involves choosing the item to be embroidered, selecting the design, and sending the design to us. We then digitize the design, select the appropriate thread colors, and use a machine to stitch the design onto the apparel.


What are the benefits of embroidery for custom apparel?

Embroidery offers a number of benefits for custom apparel, including a high-quality, long-lasting design that won't fade or peel over time. Embroidery also adds texture and dimension to the design, creating a more professional and polished look.


What is the turnaround time for embroidered custom apparel?

The turnaround time for embroidered custom apparel can vary depending on the complexity of the design and the quantity of items being embroidered. In general, however, most embroidery orders complete orders within 1 to 2 weeks.


How much does custom embroidery cost?

The cost of custom embroidery can vary depending on a number of factors, including the size and complexity of the design, the type of apparel being embroidered, and the quantity of items being embroidered. 


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